Experience more joy, ease, and freedom in your life.
Intuition | Cranio Sacral | Reiki | Astrology | Tarot
When you feel
it’s usually a signal that you’re out of energetic alignment
When we are confronted by the many feelings of uncertainty, fear, rage and sadness our outside circumstances bring up in our lives, we have to remember that the power to heal comes from within.
The body is a map – there is an underlying issue in every symptom your body experiences. The map comes from the body’s intelligence. The body has its own consciousness, it’s speaking to us all the time. We were just never taught how to listen to it.
When you listen to your body, you have an opportunity to explore and dive into the underlying issue.
I can help you decipher the messages so you can get back in the driver’s seat and take back your power.

When you tap into the connection of your Higher Self you will begin to align with the core of who you truly are, your true soul essence.

Here’s what client’s actually

Feel more control over their life

Less stress and anxiety

Feel more grounded

Feel more energetically aligned

Deeper connection with your inner Self

Reduced physical ailments and illnesses

Increased love and forgiveness toward yourself & others

The ability to be more mindful

Increased Self awareness

The ability to pause and see the bigger picture

Getting out of your mind and into your body senses

More connection with your true feelings and perspectives

We are culturally conditioned to see ourselves as separate from all of life. But the closer we look, the more we see how interconnected we are to everything and everyone.
We are an intrgral part of the Whole
Because of this conditioning, it’s easy for us to be knocked off balance. And sometimes we need help centering ourselves.
Recentering points you in the direction toward your true, authenic Self. That’s when you remember who you are and why you’re here. You will expereince greater self-awareness, freedom, clarity, peace, and joy.
Anyone can have it and we are all worthy of it.
As a Lightworker and Energy Intuitive my job is to help you come back home to your Self.
As a lifelong seeker of truth I’ve spent my life searching for ways to feel more comfortable in my human body.
I have been energetically sensitive all my life and thought I had to be different than I actually am. Trying to fit in led me to asking a lot of questions so I could feel more comfortable with myself. I wanted to understand why life always felt so hard and how I could make it feel better.
My voracious appetite to understand life as it relates to our physical body led me on the journey of exploring this multi-dimensional world that we live in. I wanted to understand it in a way that worked for me so that I could feel more empowered and not defeated by life.
It has been this life-long process that has opened me up to receiving information from other dimensions.
I’m Becky.

With 30 years of experience, this mastery is what intuitively guides me to support and heal the unique needs of each of my clients.
Here’s how
it works
1. Understand where you’re blocked
I will energetically attune to your unique needs.
2. Open the channels for healing
I’ll use different techniques that will bring you back into alignment.
3. Feel empowered
You will learn practical tools and techniques needed to manage your wellbeing even after you leave my office.

We are connected to a creative energy source. When we feel the love of this energy we experience our magnificence beyond anything imaginable. This creative energy is the catalyst for healing our mind, body, heart and soul.